Galactic Readings
Channeled Readings bringing you information from the purest source - your own Soul, Guides & Councils
Breakthrough Reading
*Best Seller*
This is a Q&A with your Spirit Team where you get the opportunity to ask questions about any area of your life!
If you're feeling stuck or uncertain in any area of your life, this reading is for you. If you've been craving clarity & needing an aha moment, look no further! You may only have one piece of the puzzle, yet you're trying to see the bigger picture. Allow me to illuminate the full picture for you.
Receive detailed steps & information on how to align to your Highest Timeline and Highest Self Frequency. Ask about your career, health, relationships, everything! The synchronicities & signs that come through in this reading leave my clients speechless!
Through your team, you will receive a higher perspective of the situations, the Soul lessons, and possible karmic energy involved. You will receive detailed practical steps that you can take right away to move the energy forward.
This reading is live and spontaneous. What your Guides choose to share with you is for a higher purpose. They may perform on the spot healings or activations.
This 60-minute live Zoom reading is $299.
Meet Your Guides
*Client Favorite*
You have a large Spirit Team of many different Guides! They are your Friends, Soul Family, Mentors, Teachers, and Protectors. Each one of them has a special connection to you, and a specific way that they work with you.
Get up close and personal with your Spirit Team and Councils. Find out who's on your team and how they are connected to you!
This reading is very Activating, and will raise your frequency as these Higher Dimensional Beings surround you. You will feel each Guide’s energy and personality coming through firsthand.
You will meet one or two of your Guides, receive a description of their appearance, where they are from, how they are connected to you, and learn their names so you can begin to call on them and build your relationship with them.
Receive a personal message from each one, where it will become obvious how well they know you. They are each unique souls and can be emotional, funny, deep or even blunt. They may share their thoughts on where you are at in your current path, and give you practical steps to take that will get you on track and happy.
This experience is live and spontaneous. What your Guides choose to share with you is for a higher purpose. They may perform on the spot healings or activations.
This 60-minute live Zoom reading is $299.
Purchase NowAkashic Reading
*Starseed Origins*
Peek behind the veil & receive an intimate look into the lifetimes of your Soul. Discover your strongest characteristics, your biggest lessons, the growth you've made, and what you are still working through. The lifetimes that come through may be on Earth or another planet, dimension, or realm.
This reading is ideal for finding your Starseed Origins.
With the help of your Akashic Gatekeeper, we will uncover one or two parallel/past lives in great detail: who you were, what you looked like, your name, the people around you, how you spent your days, what your gifts were, and what you struggled with.
Often, we will uncover Soul Family connections, where a person in your current life shows up in your past/parallel lifetime. Along with this confirmation can come information on the karmic entanglement, and how to best proceed for the Highest Good of all involved.
You may request a particular lifetime to be shown to you and I will request it from your Guides, but ultimately what comes through is what you need to know now, because those lifetimes and their themes are currently affecting you.
This reading is live and spontaneous. Being in the presence of your Guides and your Akashic records will unlock Soul remembrance. Your Guides may also choose to include personal messages or on the spot healings or activations.
This 60-minute live Zoom reading is $299.
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Soul Gifts Discovery Reading
Your Soul Gifts are at the core of your Starseed Earth Mission, the reason that you’re here. Using them in Service and as the foundation for your Spiritual Work, will align you to your Highest Self Frequency and Timeline.
You brought your Souls Gifts to Earth with you, carried here inside your very Soul. They are the accumulation of lifetimes worth of training and self discovery. They are the Divine Archetype of your Soul Blueprint.
You may already have a strong intuition that you are here as a Healer, Teacher, Writer, etc… but it is powerful to find out the back story of where it all began and how you have used this Gift in other lifetimes, on other worlds.
Most people have more than one Soul Gift, and they come to Light in a special sequence of Divine Orchestration. Do you have a new Soul Gift waiting to be discovered? Is there a deeper layer to the Gifts you have already uncovered?
My clients often experience a very moving and emotional reaction as their Gifts are shown to them in this way. This information can spark Soul Remembrance, Past Life Memories, and a new fire within to use your Gifts to help others! So much discovery awaits you!
This experience is live and spontaneous. What your Guides choose to share with you is for a higher purpose. They may perform on the spot healings or activations.
This 60-minute live Zoom reading is $299.
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